Monday, September 9, 2013

That time we lived in Hawaii...

I never thought the day would come when it was time for my little family and I to pack up and move away from the place where it all began. As many of you know, my husband and I met playing soccer at BYU-Hawaii, fell in love, had a baby and got our degrees (my associates, his bachelors). This was the only place WE'VE ever been able to call "home". The beauty, the people, the ocean air, the small town living. Everything was simple and easy and we loved it.

Why would we ever CHOOSE to move away from Hawaii you ask? Because I am a girl...and girls miss their moms...and dads...and brothers and sisters. I missed them and living across the ocean wasn't very helpful. So our plan was that as soon as Ka'i graduated, we would move to Utah for the summer while Ka'i jobbed searched and while we coached youth soccer camps...and at the end of the summer we would move to Colorado (where my parents live). Utah was our fall back plan.

Ka'i ended up finding a job which I'll admit I have mixed emotions about. I'm thrilled that he found work! Especially because its a job he's always wanted, to work for Apple (cause if you know Ka'i, you'd know he is an Apple guy) but I am bummed that his job is not in CO. At least I don't have to cross an ocean to visit them but I would have LOVED to have my parents be apart of Elsie's childhood..not that it's never gonna happen, I'm still determined to live by them someday soon! Ka'i swears that he doesn't care where he lives as long as he has a job and that his family is happy! What an awesome guy!!

We lived with my Aunt Lisa during the summer which was a ton fun but we were ready to get our own place where Elsie had her own room so that we could really get her sleep trained! It was also really fun to decorate her room a bit...and I'm happy to say that she sleeps 10-12 hours through the night now! We are in heaven.

It amazes me how much babies grow and develop in their first year of life. Elsie surprises us every day with the little things she picks up on! Her personality is really starting to show too. She can be super sassy and will tell me "no no no" or "dop" (stop)! But she is also the sweetest little girl ever and gives me kisses 50 times a day whether I ask for them or not. She has started to walk and babbles when theirs not too many people around, always ending whatever she's saying in question form. She is the silliest girl and is constantly cracking ka'i and I up. She also got her first tooth a few weeks ago and looks like more are on the way.

Summer has been a LOT of fun with her because she loves water.